Wednesday, June 19, 2013

convert a .pfx file to an Oracle Wallet

In case you got a .pfx file from your SSL certificate provider and you want to convert it to an Oracle Wallet follow the following simple procedure

Note : Make sure the .pfx file has the entire certificate chain + a private key

Rename the .pfx file to ewallet.p12
copy the ewallet.p12 to the final destination ( where you want to keep your oracle wallet) this is important since copying the wallet around once its done wont help

Launch the Oracle Wallet Manager
Click Wallet >> Open and point to the location where you have kept the ewallet.p12
Provide password if required
click Wallet >> AutoLogin
click Wallet >> Save

Your Oracle Wallet is now ready for use.....


  1. Very Useful trick for Converting a .pfx File in Oracle.
    Thanks for the InfoQlikview Training in Hyderabad

  2. I've wrote this guide in case you need to perform this task using the command line. Hope it helps!

    Here's the URL:
